It is difficult to ignore the Spirit when I am deeply conscious of God’s presence within me and around me and I become deeply conscious of the movement of the Spirit. I would rationalise my encounter with the Spirit, ignore the still small voice or run away from the presence and the movement of the Spirit. Yet, like Jacob, Jonah or John the Baptist, I am a Captive to the Spirit and there is nothing much I can say or do to escape.
Today was one of those days. In the morning, after my Prayer Walk around our hospitals and wash up, I was working on Liturgy and I stumbled upon Fr Richard Roar’s Lenten talk in the National Shrine of our Lady in Washington DC and found myself repeating after him, Be still and know that I am God! Be still and know that I am. Be still and know. Be still. Be. In the course of the day, I met with the Cathedral Wardens for prayer and planning the season ahead. I met with a couple who came to plan their wedding, in the summer this year. I met with a colleague for fellowship and prayer. I went to visit a 97 years old beloved daughter of God, a born and nurtured member of the Cathedral for Communion. I returned to the Cathedral to say Evening Prayer. The Psalm appointed was Psalm 46!! You guessed it. I hear the still small voice of the Spirit calling me for the second time. I join 22 people, adults and children, for a workshop on Liturgy, organised and led by a Layman for the Laity. I return home and sat down to write this blog. My eyes were drawn to a book fallen between the desk and the filing cabinet. I pick it up with a bit of a struggle and it was Archbishop Michael Ramsey’s Be still and know!!! My wife had a dream on Sunday night after she heard of an Appeal letter. In the dream she was in a boat beaten by a storm. She sends me out to get a ticket to the shore. I depart on a dinghy into the storm and return to the boat with tickets. She talked to a colleague who is trained in dream interpretation about her dream. He says it is a good dream and that she remained calm in a storm and I have returned with the Blessing. I thought it was the gospel story (Mark 4.39) Jesus saying, ‘Peace. Be still.’
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